Day April 30, 2024

Does Herbal Tea Dehydrate You?

Tea is a favorite beverage due to its soothing qualities, health benefits and antioxidant elements; however, some individuals worry that too much tea consumption could compromise hydration levels. Although tea contains caffeine which has diuretic effects on the body, moderate…

Where to Buy Herbal Tea

An herbal tea can provide the perfect way to unwind both mind and body. While black, green, and white teas come from leaves of Camellia sinensis plant leaves and buds, herbal infusions or tisanes contain different herbs roots flowers fruits…

What Herbal Tea is Good For Inflammation?

Inflammation is an integral part of protecting ourselves against harm; however, chronic inflammation can have serious repercussions for both physical and mental health. A diet high in anti-inflammatory foods and herbs may help decrease chronic inflammation while improving digestion, strengthening…