What Herbal Tea is Good For Arthritis Pain?

No matter if it’s temporary inflammation from sore muscles and swelling or chronic symptoms that plague you, herbal tea is an effective way to combat inflammation on a daily basis.

Green tea is a favorite, due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Matcha contains more concentrated beneficial compounds.

Rose Tea

Rose Tea has been shown to possess pain-reducing qualities and high antioxidant concentrations that may help fight free radicals and alleviate oxidative stress. Furthermore, its diuretic action may aid weight loss through natural diuretic effects.

Tisane herbal infusions offer numerous therapeutic advantages, from relieving menstrual cramps and stress, to uplift mood.

Vitamin C found in rose hip tea can help treat arthritis symptoms and protect against free radical damage that leads to cardiovascular issues and certain cancers, thanks to its powerful antioxidant content of flavonoids and polyphenols. For maximum enjoyment this tea should be enjoyed either hot or iced and should also be an ideal choice for those sensitive to caffeine as it is completely caffeine free!

Devil’s Claw

Harpagophytum procumbens plant roots have long been used by San Bushmen of Africa as herbal medicine to relieve muscle and joint discomfort. Most commonly it’s taken in form of tea or tincture (liquid form with added alcohol) over an eight week period for optimal results.

Studies have demonstrated the anti-inflammatory and pain reducing properties of devil’s claw extract, making it effective at managing osteoarthritis pain. One such study involving 122 participants with knee and hip osteoarthritis concluded that taking devil’s claw daily was equally as effective at relieving discomfort than an established European medicine.

Devil’s claw contains iridoid glycosides which may account for its anti-inflammatory benefits. According to research, these substances appear to block an enzyme responsible for inflammation while simultaneously blocking activity from other proinflammatory molecules in your body such as cytokines and prostaglandins – with one substance in particular known for improving animal and test tube studies by alleviating responses associated with inflammation: Harpagoside has proven particularly successful at helping improve responses during studies involving animals or test tubes.

Nettle Tea

Stinging nettle leaves contain numerous medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory, pain relief and astringency properties. Furthermore, they contain high levels of antioxidants as well as the vitamins A, C and K essential to body immune functioning and stimulate T-cells that assist your immune system against infections or diseases that could compromise it.

When in contact with skin, stinging nettle leaves contain tiny hairs which release chemicals which cause an irritating and itching tingle sensation. These compounds have been shown to relieve symptoms associated with osteoarthritis, rheumatism and gout as well as improving urination while diminishing symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate (BPH).

Studies have demonstrated that stewed stinging nettle can augment the anti-inflammatory properties of diclofenac, an arthritis medication. Before using it however, it’s wise to consult your physician first if taking other medications, or taking any other supplements such as vitamins. Stinging nettle may increase blood glucose levels so those living with diabetes should exercise caution when adding this herb into their diets.

White Willow Bark

White willow trees (Salix alba) contain salicin, an ingredient whose benefits include pain-relief and fever-reducing effects. Your body converts salicin into something similar to aspirin in terms of pain-relieving properties and fever reduction properties.

Willow bark has long been used to alleviate backaches, headaches, gout pains, menstrual cramps and other forms of discomfort. Additionally, it works to reduce fever by inhibiting production of prostaglandins that contribute to inflammation and pain.

Two RCTs have found that willow bark may help relieve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis; however, the results were inconclusive and more research is required. Willow bark should not be used if you have liver or kidney issues, diabetes, are taking anticoagulants such as acetazolamide or medications which impact blood clotting; additionally it could interact with some medications including NSAIDs and painkillers; before trying it it must be labeled safe to take and contain no salicylates which could trigger an adverse reaction or allergic reaction;